Monday, September 23, 2013

This Happened.

Oolong is our rabbit. We were thinking that maybe he is lonely, being a solitary rabbit, so we called rabbit rescue places to see if they had an unpaired rabbit looking for a bunny spouse. Well, the rescue person said, we have a few, why don’t you bring Oolong to our rescue, and we’ll see if he takes a shine to any of them.
So, we packed Oolong up, and drove him to the rescue place, about 45 minutes away. Dropped him off, and then went back home. The next morning, we got a call from the crazy rabbit rescue lady. Oolong is upset, and won’t eat, which is bad for a rabbit, because they need food to keep their digestive system going. If they stop eating, their system stops all together.
We go back to the rescue, and go in to see Oolong. He sees Shawn, my husband, and goes ballistic, he is so happy so see him (Shawn is Oolong’s favorite person), he literally JUMPED into his arms, and snuggled right down.
We asked the woman what happened. She said, she put Oolong into a pen with an unpaired female, a large lop who, she admitted, was known to be kind of aggressive. When the lop saw Oolong, a Dutch Mini, she mounted him, grabbed him by the back of the neck, drawing blood, and wouldn’t let him go. Oolong wanted nothing to do with any of the other rabbits after that.
Every time the woman got close to Oolong, he would try to bite her. We looked around a little and left. Oolong remains a rabbit bachelor to this day.

Oolong after a rabbit rock star party. He tore up some magazines, pooped once or twice, and then passed out.


His Handsomeness.

1 comment:

KS Girl Love my Chiefs said...

WOW. Oolong never ceases to make me smile. So sad that he met such an agressive female.