Sunday, March 9, 2014

Could it be?

Am I dreaming?

Maybe it is...


Well, maybe not totally, but it got over 70 degrees today! So, Abby and I went out to celebrate.

We saw some of our old walk friends, and there are new dogs to get to know.

Kids were put playing IN SHORTS! People were raking their lawn, and clearing the rest of the snow from driveways.

Can you believe this sky?

Of course, it's supposed to snow later this week. But a glimpse of spring will keep us going until it REALLY gets here.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Conversation with Nick

My little brother and I often chat via email while we are having slow days at work. This was an email chain we had just before Christmas:

S: You can tell it's been cold, because I was walking in from the parking lot, and I was thinking "I think It's warming up, it's pretty nice out!" It was 17 degrees. 

N: I know, 20 in the next few days looks sooo nice. 
It snowed this morning and so I woke up and left early... and got here 30 minutes early. Not much i could do. 

S: Except look for Corgi videos. 

N: Then no work would get done, not even christmas shopping 

S: That's what everyone gets for Christmas! Corgi videos! 

N: Everyone wins! 

S: Done and done. Best Christmas ever. 

N: Who would complain? Other than Vallhund who thinks that christmas needs to be more solemn. 

S: True. Vallhund wants a more respectful, classical Christmas. 

N: He is all about the classics and spending time with family. 

S: He prefers hymns to singing carols around a piano. 

N: While corgi is all about all day christmas story marathon. 

S: And day drinking Christmas beer. Vallhund sniffs at drinks before five, and then only wine or a classy martini. 

N: He enjoys looking at the tree too. He just likes relaxing. 

S: And sitting by a crackling fire. 

N: And secretly a christmas story but he wont admit it. 

S: He watches it at night after everyone else has gone to bed. 

N: With mulled wine. 

S: And maybe canapés. 

N: But then vallhund would go chop wood and relax. 

S: In a flannel shirt and earflap hat, naturally. He is all about having the appropriate attire. Corgi would wear ripped sweatpants. 

N: Mhm. He would have a nice relaxing herd. 

S: And they would wrestle a lot. 

N: And corgi would be all "don't herd me!" 

S: I am the herder! Stop herding me! Hey, let's go find some goats. 

N: Or sheeps. They want to herd the sheeps, but the bigger dogs are all "no way. Sheeps are big time." 

S: If you start with the sheeps, you'll be herding them all dang day. Because sheeps don't listen. 

N: Exactly. But vallhund knows. He knows he has the skills to pay the bills. 

S: He does. Sheeps respond to him, because he barks in Viking. 

N: They talk back and he goes and gets his helmet. 

S: That scares them into behaving. It's an intimidating helmet. 

N: He would have a spear to go with the magic helmet, but he has no thumbs. 

S: That is his biggest life's sadness. That is what he thinks about when he gazes moodily at the Fjords. 

N: He has dreams. Dog dreams. That are about more than duck bacon and go. 

S: Those are the short term dreams. But he has PLANS, yo.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Gathering myself together

Hey everyone,

I will post again, I promise. Been settling back into my life, and trying to get myself together. I'll post soon!


Saturday, November 2, 2013


I was going to post a lot of pictures about the weekend we spent in Kansas City, but that is going to have to wait. Instead, I need to talk about Oolong.

Oolong, the rabbit this blog is named after, died yesterday. He was the most magical, sweetest, most charismatic little rabbit I have ever met. Like I mentioned in previous posts, he was named after a rabbit from Japan who had a large internet presence, who my daughter liked when she was little. Oolong the first captured our hearts with his talent of balancing things on his head, and when we read he had died, we were very sad. Oolong (Actually, his full name was Oolong Deux) came into our lives only days later.

Shawn and I walked into a pet store, don't remember why. But there was a little pen on the floor, containing rabbit kits. I walked... well, to another part of the store, but Shawn went over to the pen, and bent over. Oolong was there, teeny little guy. He immediately sat up on his haunches and looked up at Shawn. I knew, watching this exchange, that we were leaving with a rabbit. Shawn picked him up and didn't put him back down. He could have fit in a shirt pocket.

This was in Wichita, Kansas. Oolong came home to our house at the time, and took up residence in the corner of Megan's room. We lived there with him for almost two years. We had a cat at the time, aptly named Cat, and he and Oolong sometimes didn't see eye to eye - mainly during Oolong's "teenage" phase. Poor Cat was the target of some of Oolong's wild behavior. Cat passed away (after 21 years of life - Cat will be a future post) and Oolong was an only pet.

Then we moved to Colorado. Oolong rode in the car with us, in the back seat with Megan and Shawn. He didn't like riding in the car, but he did okay, drinking water and looking out the window. We moved into our house here in Colorado Springs, and Oolong set up house in our finished basement. It was a perfect place for him, the sun streamed in through the high windows, and he would follow it across the floor every morning.

One night, in the middle of the night, I awoke to hear a strange sound, kind of a "fwap...fwap...". Confused, I listened. It was coming from right next to the bed. I looked over the edge of the bed, and it was Oolong. He had come all the way up the three sets of stairs, and found us in the bedroom. He was lifting and dropping a magazine I had left next to the bed, the only way he could make some noise. I got out of bed, and carried him back down the stairs, and brought him into his room. He was out of water, that was the problem. I filled his bowl, gave him a hug, and went back to bed.

After a couple of years in our current house, Abby the chocolate lab came to live with us. Oolong was very brave, and wasn't scared of her, but Abby was a big chicken, and wasn't sure of Oolong. Slowly, they learned to coexist, and even could be seen napping together from time to time. When Oolong died, Abby sniffed him, and sat quietly against my knee. She knew.

I was at work on Friday when I got the call. Heidi, the lovely woman who cleans our house, had given Oolong a treat like she always does, and went about her work. She came back downstairs for something, noticed Oolong sleeping in his sunbeam, and went to scratch him, and he had gone. He went peacefully, like the sweet peaceful soul he was. It's funny, how such a quiet little guy can leave such a hole. But it wasn't just him, it was the family folklore he represented.

Every family has their in-jokes and sayings, just their *things* that they can only say to each other, that very few others understand. A lot of ours revolved around Oolong. Little songs, daily habits, every time one of them comes to mind or we do one out of habit, it hurts. I know people who have had pets get this. A being that loves and counts on you unconditionally suddenly being gone will have an effect. Fortunately, I can honestly say that we didn't take him for granted. We loved him without reservation every day he was with us, and we do the same with Abby, especially now. She is very good about accepting the extra hugs and pets. Like I said, she knows.

This has been a difficult year for me, there has been a lot of changes. While things like Megan graduating and going to college have been amazing, they have also been hard on my heart, and other disappointments and difficulties that are too petty to go into have been rough, too. I will be glad for a new year and a new beginning.

Thanks to everyone who read this long and rambling post, it's self indulgent, I know. And I may not be done on this subject yet, but I think I am right now.

Oolong doing what he loved most, napping in the sun.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mmm, Chili

I know it's fall when I get the urge to make chili. I got the urge, and there was chili.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lazy Saturday.

Having a lazy day, watching movies with friends, bad TV and taking naps.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Autumn Shoe Swap

As the weather gets colder, the time comes for those of us with more clothes than closet to do the big seasonal rotate. I begin with the shoes, and I got that little task accomplished today, since I had the day off of work, and it was gloomy out.

So, here are the summer shoes, on their way to a plastic container put out of the way (Excuse the quality of the picture, it was darkish, like I said...):

And here are the winter shoes, having emerged from their plastic container cocoon:

And of course, the boots (this picture is even worse, because it's in the closet):

Next is the clothes rotate, I envision that happening next weekend. I should have done it today, since it's going to be COLD this week, but I just plain didn't get to it.

So, shoes.